Electronic Switches : The electronic switches are generally called as solid state switches because there are no physical moving parts and hence absence of physical contacts. Most of the appliances are controlled by semiconductor switches such as motor drives and HVAC equipments. There are different types of solid state switches are available in today market with different sizes and ratings. Some of these solid state switches include transistors, SCRs, MOSFETs, TRIACs and IGBTs. Bipolar Transistors : A transistor either allows the current to pass or it blocks the current as similar to working of normal switch. In switching circuits, transistor operates in cut-off mode for OFF or current blocking condition and in saturation mode for ON condition. The active region of the transistor is not used for switching applications. Both NPN and PNP transistors are operated or switched ON when a sufficient base current is supplied to it. When a small current flows though the base t...
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